Hooksett, NH Rankings

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Hooksett, NH is ranked #2,942 out of 10,000 cities in terms of best places to live according to the data from BestPlaces. This ranking takes into account several categories such as cost of living, crime rate, education quality, weather and housing. Hooksett's score for these categories is highly competitive with other cities across the nation. The city has a low cost of living and an overall safe environment making it an appealing place to live. Hooksett also has many educational options with both public and private schools available. Furthermore, the weather in Hooksett is usually sunny and mild with temperatures rarely reaching extremes. Finally, housing in the town is generally affordable yet still offers great options if you choose to buy or rent. Overall, Hooksett is an attractive option for those looking to relocate due to its high rankings on several criteria by BestPlaces.

Best Places ranks thousands of places to live based on analysis, data and key statistics from the U.S. Census and our Best Places To Live Expert Insights.

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